Sammlung Wemhöner
Sichtspiele –
Films and Video
Art from the Wemhöner
- IF design award
- Gute Gestaltung

About the project
A catalogue that resembles a film screening: visually stunning, shimmering and in motion – and just like the films and video art works from the Wemhömer Collection that it documents.
While the printed, celluloid-like cover is a vivid combination of images and captions, the film stills of the works represented in the collection are arranged vertically as if in a film strip. The white spaces that separate the images are reminiscent of the editing process.
Above all, however, ‘trigger’ images permeate the publication, film stills with Play arrows that can be set in motion using a specially designed app. This reveals the inhospitable, rocky terrain of Julian Charrière’s work; it allows us to chase through the forest in Erik Schmidt’s Hunting Grounds, free fall from the sky with Michael Najjar or float like sleepwalkers through the black-and-white worlds of Yang Fudong’s New Women.
Paper is transformed into celluloid, the reader becomes a spectator and reading becomes an experience.